The University of York – SUPA Group

The University of York’s SUPA Group (Service User Participation Advisory Group) was established in 2005 and is made up of people who have experienced social work involvement in their lives. Members therefore include Careers and Service Users & are supported by an Academic lead (Ed Robson) based in the School of Business & Society (SBS).

The SUPA Group enhances the teaching in both the BA Social Work and MA Social Work degree programmes by offering a Service User and Carer perspective on the subjects taught.

Personal experiences and opinions are shared with students, so that they gain valuable insights into the lives of people that social workers support.

KJTCAD Industries Ltd aided as a Service User, involved in all aspects of Social Work students’ education from admissions, through teaching to assessment & interviewing prospective entrants.

The York SUPA Group regularly seeks input from other Service Users & Careers, students and staff through their regular newsletter and questionnaires and by attending meetings with partners such as North Yorkshire Council and City of York Council.